We invite you to the annual conference of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Bucharest, which this year has as special guest Dr. Zachary Purvis who will speak about the dangers of modern theology.

Dr Zachary Purvis has been teaching church history and theology at Edinburgh Theological Seminary since 2021. Dr. Purvis earned an M.A. in historical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in California, and then continued his studies in Europe earning a Ph.D. (DPhil) at the University of Oxford in 2014. Prior to joining Edinburgh Theological Seminary he held postdoctoral positions at the University of Göttingen (2019-21); the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2018-19); and the University of Edinburgh (2015-18).

His first book, Theology and the University in Nineteenth-Century Germany (Oxford University Press, 2016), received the inaugural Best Book Prize from the Society for Ecclesiastical History. His articles and chapters have appeared in journals such as Archive for Reformation History, Church History, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Journal of the History of Ideas, Journal for the History of Modern Theology, History of European Ideas, Reformation & Renaissance Review, Sixteenth Century Journal, and Modern Reformation; and in volumes such as TheOxford Encyclopedia of Martin Luther, The Oxford Handbook of Nineteenth-Century Christian Thought, The Oxford Handbook of Friedrich Schleiermacher, and The Oxford History of Modern German Theology, among others.

Programme of the conference on 9 June 2024:

12:30 - liturgy

13:30 - lunch break

14:00 - session 1

15:00 - session 2

Attendance is free but pre-registration is required.

Please use the form below to register: